Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Blog kena Hack!!!

Uhh..ai bawu je menulis dan membewi ucapan ala ala retis kat entry Donut Labu.Tup tup belog ai kena hack. Siap delete tu.Sapa la insan baik hati tu ye.Sampai hati tul buat camtu kat ai.Apa salah ai.Ai tak usik sape2 pun.Ai citer pasal  dunia masak masak je. Habis habis pun ai ada gak la selit citer family ai.Bukan family sape2..uhuk2.Tragis..memang tragis.Acik panik..sangat panic.Semalam acik tak titon tau.memikirkan habis semua usha tertonggeng sana sinunzzz amik gambo...berpeluh2 tau cuba wesepi yang tengok kat belog owang lain...tetiba ilang camtu tu.mana tak meroyan.Sungguh.acik x leh titon.Pukul 2 acik bangun buat pavlova.Nak solat takleh plak sebab ABC.Makanya mundar mandir acik kat dapur sampei dah takde apa nak dibasuh dan kemas dik kewana tak leh titon.Nak bersiap pegi opis awal lagi.Kang Guard opis plak heran, acik nak ganti shif depa ke..tak pasal pasal guard tu meroyan takut ilang keja...

So Amelia cayanggg..this is the reason why you singgah pondok I berkunci beb.Someone already lock my pondok then campak lor itu kunci.Mujur berjaya cawi sparekunci.Kalo tak memang berkubur pondok I ni tau.uhuk2..cian I kan..kan.

Anyway, everything is comeback normal.I get  my blog back, I do whatever suppose to do for secure my pondok.Thanks to who's doing that to my blog.I forgive you in order I can feel peace...Ewaahhh....apa kess tetiba aku skipping london ni.Dah la tu..grammer hanyut ke laut beb..hanncusss..Aduhhh ammpunnzzz.Konherm still meroyan ni.

Buat nak Ajib cayang.Thanks tolong ibu to checking the detail problem.Jutaan terima kasih plak buat dik nuyul cayanggg...berjaya jumpa spare key belog ahhkak ni. I know you pengunjung setia. Menten dikkk..menten...menten sokmo singgah belog ahhakak ekkk * promote nampak... :P

Ok nak titon dah...esok sambung citer ekkk....Nak kasi jiwa tenang selepas x-c-den ni...phiewww..
Nite..nite..muahhhh! salammm...


  1. Macam tu punya manusia pun ada. Semoga Allah bagi dua petunjuk ke jalan yg benar... Amin.

  2. Hi CA, aiyoh... so sori to hear that blog you kena hijack!!! Siapalah antu yang kejam tu, sampai hati dia wat kat my dear friend.

    Nasib baik jumpa spare key, kalu tak all the effort go down the drain.
    Panic I itu ari tak dapat masuk, ingat you lock me out. LOL

    But anyway since dah back to normal, forgive itu orang yang wat hal. Tak bagus simpan dalam hati marah2x, nanti muka kedutkan. Biralah Tuhan deal dengan dia.....

    Pi pondok I makan dessert kasi sejukkan badan, ni ari tak ada oopsss.. nantikan kena ban dengan suami tak kasi bloging. hahaha

    Tapi you stay tuned with my next posting, bawa sunglass, tuala, suntan lotion. LOL

    Have a nice day, cayang dan big cyber hugs for you. muaahhzzzz................... :)

  3. patut arr semalam kunjung n klik kat donut Labu tak bole2...seb baik akak boleh buka pintu dapur lagi...moga dapat titon lena ye..

  4. Ca sabar je ya ni semua DUGAAN tapi alhamdullilah all back to normal,keep up the good makan2 Uncle enjoy habis dah donut seedaaaaaap sesangat c u soon from Uncle AL. aka HANTU DONUT LOL.

  5. Idi..tu la kan.takat beloq pinggiran mcm ni pun 'terpilih'.tragisss sungguh.Kalo beloq glamer tu konherm kena pasang pendinding kot..hehe

    p/s..Idi awat lama menyepi.windu nak baca nota-notamu...;-)

  6. Amelia..
    You panik ketuk pintu pondok , I tak buka pintu ekk.I lagi panik xleh masuk pondok I sendiwi.Tu la..itu hantu memang kebal oo.Padahal I dah ada tangkal Sis Q bagi last time, tapi sikit dia tak heran...

    Syukran2...dah back to normal.memang I dah forgive itu hantu.Kasi dia jiwa tak tenang plak.hahaha..

    Ok nanti I jalan pondok you ekk..muahhh! lap u sokmo dear.

  7. Rohah...hehe mujur pintu belakang dapur akak tu tersorok.kalo idak nangis akak xleh masuk dapur akak sendiwi..kijammmm kan..kan...tapi semua dah setel..memang titon lena sesangat sampei lewat hawi ni dikkk oiii....

  8. Uncle AL

    Thanks...alhamdulillah..kesabaran masih utuh gitu.demi next nak buat bermacam versen donut khas buat uncle..hehe

  9. CA ok Uncle start diet from now so that I can eat lots bila you buat DONUTS ever wonder why they call it Donuts I know but I am going to keep it a secret maybe I whisper in your ears so no one can hear c u. Salams from Uncle and Aunty

  10. wah!!! blog retis memang gitu....

  11. ollo sis, komen awak masuk spam, tadi baru jumpa, dah jawab dah, ammpuuunnnnzzzzz....

  12. Hi Rossa, senang singgah pondok I. Warning dulu, bawa sunglasses, tuala dan tulis alamat umah in case you lupa cam mana naik balik. LOL

    Nak tapau tolong bawa cooler box. ;)

    Have a nice weekend, regards.

  13. Hi Rossa, regret to read about your blog being hacked?
    But maybe it was not hacked, maybe you have a Gmail address which is connected to this Blog....and accidentally closed or deleted the connection?

    It happened to me 2 months ago......I tekan wrong kunchi.....my blog hilang, terperanjat saya.
    I triple check and realized it was my own mistake.
    There is no reason anyone should want to hack your blog as you a very nice lady, and your postings about food, no politics, whatever.

    It could also be the blog had hiccups? And lost your connection?
    Anyway, you have your own Immigration checkpoint.....so just double check all incoming comments.

    As well try avoid putting adverts.....many contain cookies.
    Some might have tracking cookies, or even malicious ones.
    You stay easy, keep well.

  14. Rossa, go to your Blog Settings, under security, put up that under comments, the security verification.
    So you can see all incoming comments before release.
    Suggest you do ASAP.

  15. CA hello pretty girl next wesepi donut ke ape2 aje lah jangan lupa selitkan awet muda ok coming from you must be correct as you good example role model pretty please Dari Uncle AL president bear association Pg .

  16. Cik Muhsina..

    Apa kes belog retis..ni belog pinggiran aje la..lain la belog atin Chah..siap masuk majalah beb...wugiss ko tak baca...heee

  17. Sis Q..

    Ingat memang x sudi dah masukkan komen I..sedihhh banget...huhu

  18. Hi Amelia..

    Wahhh apa menarik pondok you..ada pakwe henskemm? err tapi bawak cooler box.ishh xkan pakwe henskem dok darram cooler box..

    muah2..nanti I singgah.I memang sokmo ada alamat umah kat phone.takut sokmo sesat kalo pegi pondok yg kat tahiti or pondok sis Q.menu macam2...owwhhh makin dumukssss..

    lap u la Mel...muahhh!

  19. Lee,

    Thanks singgah pondok I. Yor lo maybe my mistake. I memang versen bebbal bab gini. Yg I ingat lepas I put new entry then I logout. mlm someone sms me ( not register number) ask me why I delete my blog.Errkk tanjat la boboi...segere check...uwaaa....termangu i seketika.then tak tau nak buat apa.

    On that night I just terkebil2 kebil pikir camno my blog jd mcm tu...titon pun x lena..sampai la kat opis, someone check & inform my blog dah kena hack and might be can't do anything.so sadddd..but aonther person try to do something....hoyeeee bole!!!

    Lee, I didn't put verification coz my fren request not to put in.uhhh ddalam delima sungguh.Anyway Thanks for your concern, for your advise,...will decide later how to do.

    Terima kasih seribu drop my pondok..you take care..

  20. Hi Uncle AL

    err...petua ahwex muda ke uncle? arramak..ni kena belek diwi sendiwi..recall sendiwi apa petua ekk.ok..sy share apa yg seadanya la ekk...org kata sharing is caring...kan..kan..

    p/s..Waahhh dah jd president bear association Pg.caya la..;)

  21. sakit rasanya kat dalam ni, bila tengok blog kesayangan kena hack!!! @@$%$^%$^%$^% punya hack hatui tu bukan hack tapi crack.
