Monday, January 27, 2014

E-card and E-cake for Lee - Happy B'day!!!!

Dear Lee...

Just Drop to my gmail and bawu la I tauuu your birthday yesterday.I'm so sorry tak sempat singgah pondok you. Sure you dah celebrate sakan kannn..kann...sure sis Q, Jully , Angie and Mel dah berjimba jimba kat pondok you..pakei kebatat  kaler merahhh auchhhhh..... konherm you lepas handbrake...x tahanzzzz. Titon malam susah datang...or you tewus tak titon malam...nampak semua bintang bulan...muahahaha....dabel triple gamaknya...

Alahaiii, I tetinggal ketapi la ekk. Agak agaknya la Lee.... you nak buat lagi tak party? Then I borre  join..hehehe..kononnn!!!! Ada hati nak join party ekk..pehtu dok sempat sokmo...haishhh hentikan la...

Anyway...for your special day...please accept this e-card and E-cake from me....I know already belated but...rather then nothing kannn...kan....kannn.... take care..simpan satu lagu darrrammm hati...terima kasih seribu..

p/ss...E-card tu I cilok from acik guge jel..E-cake tu plak..I buat tawww..last wiken...muahhh!


  1. Hello Rossa, terima kaseh seribu for your this very warm gesture birthday wishes.
    And I suka that merah cake! Thank you so much for taking the time buat cake tu. I appreciate it very much.

    And no, you are not late nor never too late, but you came, and that is what counts.
    Rossa, ni nak tulis England talk, if under different circumstances, if I could rearrange the alphabets, I'd put 'U' and 'I' together.
    And you can live in my heart pay no rent.
    Rossa, you are not a woman, you are an essence.

    Hendak buah si mangga hutan,
    Masak ranum tergantung tinggi.
    Kalau Lee pergi ke bendang,
    Jangan petik buah rumbia,
    Lee laksana bulan yang terang,
    Cahaya liput serata dunia.

    Awan bertepuk, mega bersorak.
    Bulan terbit dipagar bintang.
    Dari mana punai melayang?
    Dari paya turun ke padi.
    Dari mana datang sayang?
    Dari mata turun ke hati.

    Terbakar kampong kelihatan asap.
    Terbakar hati siapakah tahu?

    Rosa, once again, terima kaseh serubu, you simpan satu lagu dalam hati...
    Stay young, and hold that beautiful smile of yours, always.

  2. Hi Rossa, my first time masuk kat pondok you kan, I dah ter fall in love hehe.. love all the presentation in your blog. sooo beeeoootipul macam owner dia...hehe Nak curi some of your resepi boleh kan?

    I actually slalu 'bump' into you kat blog kawan baik kita, pemuda ganteng dari negara utara. Sebenarnya dia lah yg khabarkan kat kita yg you ade mention nama I dlm blog you hehehe... tema kaci pemuda ganteeenng..

    ok, mulai skrg I akan jadi PR kat blog you.. seronok tengok kek2 yang sedap kat sini. My girl yg dah remaja pon every now and then cari resepi yang mencabar. Maknye dulu slalu buat jugak...sekarang jadi 'supervisor' hahaha..
    Have a nice day dear.

  3. salam neng...

    wajinnya aok wat kek bagai! koi takdan nak watper taun ni. Ada hal tergempor pulak terjadi huhu.

    tapi tu kek kira wakil boleh tak? haha wakil owang yg maleh nak watnya..benornya kita boleh merancang jer tapi kalu Tuhan nak uji, nak wat camner ya dok?

    raya esok masak apa? heheeh

  4. Opocot...besday boy singgah pondok..patut wase camm dah xde e-card and e-cake tu...pantasssszz you take away ye Lee..

    Arramakk...ada fantun aa.camno ni..I bukan wemaja jaman 70an..yang bisa berpantun pintun gitu..nak kena jawab ke pantun tu...tapi you tak suruh jawab kan Lee...

    Cop2!!..tu fantunn ke sajak ye..sebab macam tak sama je pembayang dengan maksud..hehehe

    Xpe...I try jawab hoqeyy..xmau kalah lorrr...

    Kalau tuan pergi ke pekan
    Belikan saya sedikit kentang
    Kalau Lee ibarat Bulan
    Saya pula ibarat bintang


    Hahahaha..cukup la tu..letihhh wehhh nok mikir..

    Okey besdayboy..terima kasih take care

  5. Hi Angie..

    Thanks sudi singgah pondok saya.arramakkk..mau aaa pondok lama tak kemasss..Aduhhh Lee ni...ajak owang party pondok I plak..hehehe

    Angie..thanks for your compliment..sharing is caring.If you think there some recipe kat pondok I ni memikat jiwa..and you nak cuba...silakan.Eh now supervisor saje...wahhh behnya dah naik tarap jd supervisor...nanti your dotter buat kek or kuih try my resepi..jgn lupa jemput ai ye..hehehe

    Thanks again Angie sudi singgah pondok I...tanjattt suprise...toce toce la kat besday boy take care..muahhh!

  6. Salam Mbakyu Q

    kangen kok sama luuu...
    Alaa..ini kek sama seiring dgn kek tempahan gitu hehehe..

    Wehhh betui ammat mende hok aok khabo te...koi ada baca yang kawan aok hok sakit kanser tu passaway..
    Innalillah...moga aok tabah hadapi kehilangan bff aok te.....

    Aok pun take care okey...muahhh! hug awok sendat2

    errr kiwa kek tu konsider kek dawi kita seme...fren dawi mesia aaa utk fren kat towonto tu...heeeee
    amcam??? Aci???

  7. Hi Rossa, wow... really nice of you to put up this posting for our birthday boy. Dia tentu malam tidur tak lena. hahaha.....

    Have a nice week ahead. Regards. Hugs to you.
