Sungguh...ramadhan kali ini aku rasakan begitu singkat..begitu pantas ia berlalu.Sedangkan aku masih belum puas untuk menikmatinya. Kenape yeee...mungkin terlalu sikit amalanku...mungkin faktor usia...mungkin aku terlalu sibuk dengan kehidupan harian..mungkin...mungkin...ahh beribu mungkin yg berlegar dikepalaku.Andainya aku pikirkan, aku sendiri tak mampu untuk memberi jawapan setiap kemungkinann itu.Namun aku pasti hanya DIA yg lebih maha mengetahui. Sesungguhnya aku bersyukur dengan setiap rahmat yg diberi dan aku juga memohon moga aku masih diberi peluang untuk terus menikmati bulan rahmat...bulan berkat ini utk tahun berikutnya kerana yg aku pasti aku sudah mula merindui ramadhan...
Syawal menjelma setelah ramadhan berlalu. Setiap muslim akan meraikannya. Tapi aku yakin dan pasti syawal yg disambut pasti berbeza kerana " kita hidup diatas dunia yg sama tetapi hakikatnya duniamu, duniaku berbeza. Justeru itu, aku mengambil kesempatan ini untuk megucapkan selamat hari raya buat semua teman di alam mayaku yg sudi singgah ke DARI DUNIAKU...kunjungan kalian sememangnya mencoretkan lagi keindahan DUNIAKU....lap u all , Muuuahhhhh! (*_^). Dikesempatan ini aku ingin mengucapkan:
Dalam bermesra mungkin terkasar bahasa
Dalam bergurau mungkin terlanjur senda
Dalam berjanji mungkin ada yang belum terkota
Dalam berbicara mungkin ada yang menyinggung rasa
Andainya ada, kemaafan jua lah yang kupinta
Rumah dihias bagai istana
Buat persiapan diahari raya
Ampun dan maaf yg ku pinta
Moga gembira di hari raya
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Gadis jaman aku dolu2...hehehe |
Hello Rossa, ahhh, this name saya suka. Instead of addressing you 'CA', macham 'Chartered Accountant, pulak', ha ha ha.
I really love your very beautiful bahasa....sounds beautiful the way you composed this posting.
So? The cakes all ready. Sarong kebaya ready? Ha ha ha. Ketupat, rendang, lemang.....
Have fun, Rossa.
Here's wishing you and all at home the very best of hari raya.
Di susun sepuluh jari, meminta maaf zahir dan batin.
Happy holidays!
Your friend,
Ros, I would like to give you this recipe.....
Special to you.
Your friends and relatives tentu lintang pukang, kelam kabote when you bring out this cake......
A cake unlike anything they have ever had before.
IT IS A VERY SEXY CAKE! Because of the colour!
If you try this,send me telegram.....ha ha ha.
I want to display it in my pondok. Credit you.
Sorry but my bahasa is out of tune, don't know how to say the name in Malay, ha ha.
Heed my warning. I am about to unleash the recipe!
For the cake:
2 1/2 cups sifted cake flour
2 teaspoons cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
2 large eggs
1 cup buttermilk
2 ounces red food coloring.
1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour 2 (9-inch) cake pans.
In a medium bowl or on a piece of waxed paper, sift together flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, and salt; set aside.
In a large bowl, cream together sugar and butter. Beat in eggs one at a time.
Alternately add flour mixture and buttermilk.
Beat in food coloring and vinegar, then add vanilla.
Spread the batter evenly in the pans.
Bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Turn out onto a rack to cool.
Vanilla Bean Cream Cheese Frosting:
12 ounces or 1-1/2 packages of Philly cream cheese
1/2 stick butter
4-5 cups sifted powdered sugar seeds of 1/2 vanilla bean.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Bring cheese and butter to room temperature by letting it sit out for 1 or 2 hours
Sift powdered sugar into a bowl or onto parchment
Beat butter and cheese at medium speed until creamy
Add 4 cups of the sugar and beat until combined
Add vanillas and beat until combined
Add more sugar until you get to the consistency and sweetness you like
I assure you, bring out this'll shock everyone. Masuk mulat? Satu spoon?
Have fun, and selamat hari raya.
Hi Uncle Lee...
Auchhh...x tahanzzz u call me Rossa.So glamer beb..can retis gitu.Thanks always singgah Duniaku even I'm not around.Sakan berhari raya beb.
Uncle Lee, sudah 2 resepi u give me. sure u teruja nak i try kan. give me 2 weeks, let me settle sgala yg berrum settle..then i will try your resepi....
Have a nice day...terima ksih seribu for the resepi and always singgah duniaku. Nanti I pg jengok pondok u..lama tak singgah mesti byk celita busybody u tu..hahaha...
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